Liberty Church Records


Barbour County, Alabama

Transcribed by Lisa Wilson and, with her permission, typed and submitted by Carolyn Cooper (

The original record book kept by Nicolas William Pitts holds the records for September 17, 1843 to November 25, 1849, when the church was dissolved. There are several pages missing from the front and back of this book, therefore it is not a complete record for the church. There are both black and white members in this early church located in plantation country. (The spelling of these names is as close as possible, but there may be errors due to the handwriting and the condition of the records.)


George, servant of RIVERS, joined by relation he made to the church, Sep. 17, 1843

George, servant of DANIEL, joined by letter, Nov. 20, 1843

Mariah, servant of RIVERS, by experience, Nov. 20, 1843

Bro. NICKELS, called to the pastoral care of the church for the ensuing year, Nov. 20, 1843

John O. PITTS, by experience, Feb. 10, 1844

David WRIGHT, granted letter of dismission, Feb. 10, 1844

Silvey, servant of PARKER, granted letter of dismission, Feb. 10, 1844

S.C. SHARPE, joined by letter, April 13, 1844

Umphrey, servant of RIVERS, joined by letter May 11, 1844

Bros. WRIGHT, GUICE, PITTS appointed delegates to the Association meeting, Aug. 10, 1844

Joseph WILKES, joined by experience, Oct. 13, 1844

George, servant of M. WRIGHT, by letter, Oct. 13, 1844

Samuel DELOACH and his wife Elizabeth DELOACH, joined by letter, Nov. 9, 1844

Bro. GRIFFITH, called to the pastoral care of the church for the ensuing year, Nov. 9, 1844

David WRIGHT, joined by letter, Mar. 3, 1845

Lucky, female servant of John REESE, by experience, Apr. 13, 1845

J.B. MACDONALD, granted letter of dismission, May 10, 1845

Bros. WRIGHT, GUICE, PITTS, appointed representatives to Association meeting, Aug. 9, 1845

Edith, servant of L. SMITH, joined by letter, Aug. 10, 1845

Mary, servant of L. SMITH, joined by letter, Aug. 10, 1845

Joseph WILKES, charge against him for non-attendance at conference meeting and other unchristian conduct. Appointed Bro. PITTS to cite Bro. WILKES to attend next meeting and answer to the charge, Oct. 11, 1845

Joseph WILKES, excommunicated from the church, Dec. 13, 1845

Bro. SIMS, called to the pastoral care of the church the present year, Jan.10, 1846

Nancy COLVIN, joined by letter Apr. 4, 1846

George, a coloured brother, servant of T. RIVERS, charged and excommunicated for unchristian conduct, Jun 6, 1846

Elizabeth MACFERSON, joined by experience, Aug. 1, 1846

Mary SMITH and Nancy BATTLES, two coloured sisters, charged and excommunicated for unchristian conduct, Sep. 5, 1846

Margaret C. BLAKEY, joined by letter, Sep. 5, 1846

Bro. SIMS, called to continue pastoral care of the church for the ensuing year, Sep. 5, 1846

Y.B. MCDONALD, granted letter of dismission, Sep. 5, 1846

Delrow COOK, joined by letter, Sep. 6, 1846

London, servant of J.R. UPSHAW, joined by letter, Sep. 6, 1846

Thomas CALVIN, joined by experience, Oct. 31, 1846

William HARRISON, joined by experience, Oct. 31, 1846

Mary Lavannah WRIGHT, joined by experience, Oct. 31, 1846

David WRIGHT, charged and excommunicated for unchristian behavior (wildness and ludeness [sic.]), Oct. 31, 1846

Marthy MCFERSON, joined by experience, Nov. 1, 1846

Achy MCFERSON and his wife Miriah MCFERSON, joined by experience,Nov. 2, 1846

Bro. WILLIAMS and his wife, put themselves under the watch care of the church, Nov. 2, 1846

Arramintta FLORENCE, joined by experience, Nov. 3, 1846

Magon, servant of Bro. Thomas FLORENCE, joined by experience, Nov. 3, 1846

David WRIGHT, came forward and acknowledged his fault and begged forgiveness, stating he felt from his heart to hope that God had forgiven him. The church forgave him and restored him again to the fellowship and privileges of the church, Nov. 4, 1846

David WRIGHT, granted letter of dismission, Dec. 5, 1846

William HARRISON, granted letter of dismission, Dec. 5, 1846

Bro. MACFERSON, wife Mariah, daughs. Elizabeth and Marthy, granted letter of dismission, Jan. 2, 1847

Bro. BRYAN and wife Tabitha, joined by letter, Feb. 6, 1847

Robert PETTIGREW and wife Mary, joined by letter, Feb. 6, 1847

Sister Martha RILEY, joined by letter, Feb. 6, 1847

Emmaly BRYAN, joined by letter, Feb. 6, 1847

Robert BRYAN, chosen deacon, Feb. 6, 1847

Robert BRYAN, examined and questioned, approved for ordination as deacon, Apr. 2, 1847

Sarah BLAKEY, joined by letter, Apr. 2, 1847

J.O. PITTS, T. FLORENCE, Robert BRYAN, Bro. WRIGHT, appointed representatives to Association meeting, Sept. 4, 1847

Number of members at the end of Associational Year 1847: White memb. 27; Black memb. 33; Total memb. 60

Billy, Edith, Nancy and Hannah, servants of L. DANIEL, granted letters of

? BLAKEY, died Jan. 2, 1848

Samuel C. BRADLY, joined by letter as a member and a deacon, Jan. 2, 1848

Bros. FLORENCE, BRYANT and BRADLY, appointed representatives to the Associational meeting, Aug. 4, 1848

Delilah BRADLY, joined by letter, Aug. 5, 1848

Shepherd GUICE and Lucinda GUICE, granted letter of dismission, Nov. 4, 1848

Catherine GILCHREST, joined by letter from the Cowike Church, Jan. 7, 1849

William, a blackman, the property of I.F. COMER, joined by experience, Jan. 7, 1849

Church agreed to move back to the Old House in the fork of the creek where it formerly met, Mar. 31, 1849

Mr. and Mrs. T.I. FLORENCE and his boy Mage, granted letters of dismission, Mar. 31, 1849

T.C. BRADLY and wife, granted letters of dismission, Mar. 31, 1849

Margaret E. BLAKEY and Hafaire BLAKEY, granted letters of dismission, Mar. 31, 1849

Nancy WRIGHT, granted letter of dismission, Mar. 31, 1849

Bro. I. SIMS resigns his pastoral charge, Mar. 31, 1849

Liberty Church unanimously agreed to dissolve, give each member a letter of dismission and turn the records of this church over to the Glennville Baptist Church.


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