From 1834-1950's the churches in southeastern Alabama were under a few different associations:
Judson, Newton, Sardis, Sandy Creek and others.
Counties included in this listing are Barbour, Coffee, Dale and Henry.
All records transcribed & contributed by: Carol, NOV 2002.

1858 Judson Baptist Association

Churches   County       Pastors     PO of Pastors    Clerks         PO of Clerks

Abbeville     Henry         W.B. Lacy   Abbeville       M.B. Green     Abbeville

Adoniram    Henry          W.B. Lacy  Abbeville        J.W. Holmes  Abbeville

Antioch       Dale         William Lee   Louisville        L.B. Brown     Skipperville

Bulah          Henry        S. Hargrove   Echo            R.W. Davis     Columbia

Campspring Dale          M. Brooks   -------------         A. Hasty         Columbia

Columbia   Henry         J.B. Taylor  Columbia         N.?. Oakley     Columbia

Concord     Henry         B. Hollis     Cureton's Bridge J. Kirkland Cureton's Bridge

Daleville      Dale           O. Smith     -----------           E. Brooks       Daleville

Darieu         Dale           D. Cumbie   -----------          E. E. Byrd    Woodshop

Ebenezer    Dale           O. Smith    -------------      J. Sutherland      Hawridge

Ebenezer   Henry           J.B. Taylor  -----------       L.C. Johnson   Columbia

El Bethel   Coffee          W.P. Bryan ------------          D. Miller          Geneva

Fellowship Henry           D. Cumbia  ------------      J.G. Wiggens    Cureton's bridge

Flatcreek   Coffee          --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Friendship Coffee        JCR Lockhart  Coffee corner   J.W. Preaster? Coffee corner  

Hawridge    Dale            C. Smith   ------------        T.J. Baton     Hawridge

Holly Springs Dale         T.S. Dew  Newton         David Sellers     Newton

Judson       Henry           E. Cody    ---------          E.H. Thomas     Otho?

Mt. Moriah Dale              O. Smith   Summerhill  D.W. Anderson  Newton

Mt. Pleasant Covington    --------------------------------  William Martin New Providence

Mt. Pleasant Dale          R. Deal    Echo               D.J. Bolton   Beaver Creek

Mt. Piszah? Dale         R. Deal      Echo              L. Deal             Echo

Mt. Zion    Covington     T. Lawson  New Providence J.A. Hollingsworth New Providence

Newton     Dale            T.S. Dew   Newton           A.B. Vincent     Newton    

N. Providence               J.J. Cumbie Coffee corner A. Mcgee         Elba

Oakey Grove   Henry      A.L. Martin  Abbeville      M. Whiddon   Abbeville

Pennial    Dale               S. Hargrove    Echo     James A. Crawford Clopton

Pleasant Grove Henry     ----------------------------------   W.H. Ward  Cureton's bridge

Providence   Dale         William P. Bryan  Daleville   Jesse Pouncey Daleville

Sardis          Henry        E. Cody   Franklin            E. Mayo   Abbeville

Shiloh   Barbour           D. Cumbie  Summerhill       Levi Wilkinson   Clopton

Shiloh   Coffee              M. Brooks  Elba                G.W. Keirce    Elba

Springcreek    Coffee     R.D. Loveless   Geneva      J.T. Martin    Geneva

Summerhill    Dale        C. Smith ---------------------     J.A.Brewer  Summerhill

Talbot         Henry         A.L. Martin -----------------      J.J. Satcher Flag Pond

Union         Dale            T.S. Dew  ------------------ M.J. Mathews  Woodshop

1858 Prospectus
of the
Abbeville Advertiser

                            William A. Clarke Editor & Proprietor

                                    Edward H. Groudy Publisher

The Advertiser is published every Thursday: and devoted to the politics literature

and general news. Born and reared in South Carolina it will, of course, be expected

that we advocate State Rights and State Sovereignty. A strict construction of the

powers delegate to the general government is the polar star which shall guide and

direct us in our postition on the great questions of protective tariffs and interned

improvements and national banks. The very salvation of the south depends on holding

every department of the federal government to a strict constructions of its powers. The

strenuous and unflinching advocacy of Southern equality and Southern rights shall

ever hold a predimuant place in our columns. We will stand apon no platform of principles  with Northern men who interpret those principles differently from the

Southern interpretation. We are uterly apposed to all compromises. The history of

all the great contests between the North and the South, which have terminated in

compromise, proves beyond a doubt, that the South has been the loser in each and

every one of them.

In a word, we are for the South, her interests, institutions, equality in the Union and

equal participation in common territories.

In addition to this we will advocate the interests and claims of Henry county, and

also of all the surrounding counties.

It will afford us pleasure to contribute our feeble aid to the advancement of Southeastern

Alabama. We rely with confidence upon the support and the aid of our own equity in

our enterprise. We feel confident that the citizens of Henry county will sustain their


Our friends can materially aid us by taking out prospectus and procuring subscribers

for our paper.

Terms of subscription

For one copy , one year in advance $2.00

For one copy, one year and six months $2.50

For one copy, one year at the end of the year $3.00

Inducements to CLUBS:

To any person sending us five cash subscribers, we will send one copy free.

We will send six copies for $10.00

                    ten copies for $15.00

                fifteen copies for #20.00

This advertisement was found on the back page of the 1858 Judson Baptist Association records.

1858 list of churches and delegates : Judson Baptist Association

Church                       County                          Delegates

Abbeville                   Henry                    G.W. Williams  M.B. Green

Adoniram                  Henry                     W.B. Lacy        A.L. Martin

Antioch                     Dale                       R.R. Phillips     J.B. Stubbs

Bulah                        Henry                     R.W. Davis       J.M. Poiner 

Campspring               Henry                     James Hasty    Enoch Godfrey

Columbia                   Henry                     J.H. Taylor        W.B. Price

Concord                     Henry                     T. B. Holland Jackie Kirkland

Darien                        Dale                       Curtis Byrd   Simeon Archer

Daleville                      Dale                       Enus? Brooks D.P. White

Darien                        Dale                       Curtis Byrd  Simeon Archer

Ebenezer                    Dale                       G.B. Clark  W.R. Snellgrove 

Ebenezer                   Henry                      J.T. Odom  Richard White 

El Bethel                    Coffee                      Daniel Miller   E. Bowen

Fellowship                  Henry                      James Hutto  A.H. Hutto

Flatcreek                    Coffee                     H. Goosbie    Wiley Graves

Friendship                  Coffee                      F.A. McAlpine James U. Preaster?

Hawridge                    Dale                        Benjamin Stuart  T.J. Knight

Holly Springs             Dale                         James K. Aldridge David Sellers

Judson                       Henry           E. Cody   C.V. Morris     Henry Gissendaner

Mt. Moriah                Dale                         Jacob Snell  John Waldon

Mt. Pisgah                Dale               R. Deal Mr. R. Howell  L.H. Deal

Mt. Pleasant              Dale      Thomas Bedsole   G.W. Reaves   William Bradley

Mt. Zion               Covington    J.H. Stuard    J. A. Hollingsworth    A. Laton

Newton                    Dale                        T.S. Dew   A.R. Roundtree

New Providence     Coffee        Thomas Rowe  Alfred McGee    W.J. Kierce

Oakey Grove         Henry                           James Vaughn  Lott Whiddon

Pennial                   Dale                            James Crawford   Elijah Hickey

Pleasant Grove      Henry                            J.W. Galloway  J. Summerford    

Providence             Dale                             William P. Bryan  Jesse Pouncey

Sardis                   Henry                            Edwin Mayo  Leonard Ballard

Shiloh                 Barbour                            James Lee?  Samuel Wilkerson

Shiloh                 Coffee                              M. Brooks     J.M. Rowe

Spring Creek         Dale                                 J.T. Martin   William Witherington

Summerhill          Dale                                 C. Smith      Daniel Cumbie

Talbot                  Henry                              James J. Satcher   William L. Grace

Union                   Dale                                Z. Harris        M.G. Matthews  

1860 Tenth annual session:

Judson Baptist Association held with Newton Baptist Association Church Directory:

church        county   Pastors          Post office    clerks             Post office

Abbeville        Henry    --------------        Abbeville       M.B. Green    Abbeville 

Adoniram       Henry    A.L. Martin      Abbeville       G.T. Roberts  Abbeville

Antioch          Dale      W.B. Leo        Louisville       J. Pellum       Skipperville

Belah             Henry    S. Hargrove     Bay Spring    A. Peacock    Bay Spring

Camp Spring  Henry     S. Hargrove     Bay Spring    A. Hasty    Columbia

Clintonville     Coffee     W.M. Howell   Daleville         A. McGhee  Clintonville

Columbia       Henry      J.B. Taylor      Abbeville       N.F. Oakley  Columbia

Concord         Henry     S. Hargrove      Bay Spring   A.J. Kirkland C. Bridge

Daleville         Dale        C. Smith         Daleville        L.D. Brooks   Daleville

Darlen            Dale        Z. Harris       Woodshop       B.D. Andrews Westville

Ebenezer       Henry      -------------        --------------      W.W. Buie     ------------

Ebenezer        Dale       C. Smith        Daleville         J.M. Gutherie  Haw Ridge

El Bethel       Coffee      W.P. Bryan    Daleville         T.J. Dormany  Geneva

Haw Ridge     Dale         C. Smith        Daleville         J.C. Baton      Haw Ridge

Holly Spring   Dale         W.M. Howell  Daleville       David Sellers    High Bluff

Judson           Henry       E. Cody        Franklin        C.W. Thomas  ?

Mt.Pisgah      Dale         W.A. Cumbie  Skipperville   L. Deal            Echo

Mt. Moriah     Dale         D. Cumbie      Skipperville   D.W. Anderson Newton

Newton          Dale         D. Cumbie      Skipperville   A.B. Vinson      Newton

Oaky Grove    Henry       A.L. Martin      Abbeville      S. Whiddon?  Abbeville

Oak Bower     Henry       M. Brooks       Elba            S.W.J. Ellis    Open Pond

Pleasant Grove Henry      James Tew     Abbeville      E. Whiddon    Abbeville

Pleasant Ridge Dale       D. Cumbie       Skipperville   N.R. Phelps   Skipperville

Providence       Dale       A.P. Bryan       Daleville       A .Martins      Daleville 

Sardis             Henry      E. Cody          Franklin        E. Mayo        Abbeville

Shiloh              Barbour   D. Cumbie      Skipperville   L. Wilkerson  Clopton

Shorterville       Henry      C. Cody          Franklin       B.G. Fortsan?  Shorterville

Spring Creek    Dale      ----------------       ---------------    Wetherington    Geneva

Summer Hill     Dale      C. Smith        Daleville        W.W. Hilliard  Skipperville

Talbot              Henry    -------------        ------------        J. J. Satcher   Flag Pond    

Union               Dale     W.M. Howell   Daleville        M.G. Matthews Ozark   

1860 Names of Churches and Delegates

Abbeville         George W. William      I. Mendheim

Adoniram        P.D. Sanders              S.M. Fordhand  

Antioch           J.H. Metcalf

Beniah            R.W. Davis                  Jas Poyner

Camp Spring   Daniel P. Wells            Enoch Godfrey

Clintonville       A. McGee                   W.W. Flemming

Columbia         J.B. Taylor                  D.W. Blewitt           E.J. Hays  

Concord          Z. Knowles                   M. Bracken

Daleville          Wm M. Howell             E. Brooks

Darien             C. Byrd                       L. Byrd

Ebenzer {H}     A. Buie                       W.W. Buie

Ebenzer {D}     G.B. Clark

 A. Buie                        L. Buie

El- Bethel        John Lewis

Haw Ridge       S.T. Knight                  T.J. Baton

Holly Spring      D. Sellers                    

Judson              E. Cody     H.Gisend?  J. William   Y.G. Malone

Mt. Pisgah         A. D. Whittle              W.B. Howell  

Mt. Moriah         Henry Hollis               John Walden

Newton              Moses Jones             A.R. Rountree

Oaky Grove        D. Whidden               J. Summerford

Oak Bower         Wm F. Harrison         J.F. Meek

Pleasant Grove    Wm H. Ward             Jas. Bird

Pleasant Ridge    L.B. Brown                J.C. Rhodes

Pleasant Plains   C. Kirkland                J.P. Odum

Providence          Wm P. Bryan             Jesse Pouncy

Sardis                 L. Ballard                   H. Davis

Shiloh                 J.S. Wade                  Levi Wilkerson

Shorterville          Benjamin Herndon       B.J. Fortsen     N.G. Peterman

Spring Creek        J.H. Wetherington

Summerhill           Wm. A. Cumbie         W.W. Smith

Talbot                   H. McMath                 J. Grace        J. Satcher

Union                    Z. Harris                    J.R. Mathews

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