Geneva County Reaper
Friday Morning, February 6, 1925

Submiited by: Susan O'Keefe,, AUG 2007.


Mrs. Shelley Ward is visiting relatives in Bay Harbor, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Byrd spent Sunday with relatives in Brocton.
Mrs. P. H. hand visited relatives in Graceville the last of the week.
Miss Burnette Harris, of Troy, is visiting at the home of her brother, Pugh Harris.
Seed Irish Potatoes at H. Miller’s. (adv. C)
Miss Evelyn McEachern, of Banks, Ala., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Mulkey.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Howell were visitors to Marianna, Fla., on Saturday and Sunday.
We have a nice line of valentines. - Watson Drug Co. (adv. 28-29c)
Mrs. R. J. Kennington, of Dothan, is visiting her parents, Mr. and W. S. Bryan.
Mrs. Janie Bullock and son, Horace, were Dothan visitors on Tuesday.
Wm. Holloway arrived home the first of the week, from Dunedin, Fla., where he visited his mother, who has been very sick.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Herring, of Bay Harbor, Fla., spent the week end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Herring.
Give us your auto laundry. We know how to do it. - Geneva Auto Co. (adv c)
Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Pledger and children spent Sunday in Coffee Springs at the home of Mr. Pledger’s sister, Mrs. J. B. Weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Watson, of Enterprise, spent Sunday in Geneva at the home of the fomer;s mother, Mrs. L. W. Watson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bryan, of Opp, were visitors on Sunday at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bryan.
For fancy and up to date groceries, call 32. (adv.c)
Mrs. D. E. Young, with her daughters, Misses Susie and Mary Young, of Dothan, visited at the home of her son, J. A. Young on Sunday.
Mrs. S. L. Peters and baby returned Sunday from Enterprise where she spent the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stephenson.
Mrs. J. J. Woodward, with her son, Coyl Andrew, and little granddaughter, Marie Andrew, spent Sunday in Chipley, Fla., with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Bowers.
Mrs. Roe, a national P. T. A. worker, will be in Geneva on Saturday and will speak at the school auditorium at 3:30 o’clock in the afternoon. Mrs. Roe comes highly recommended and a good audience is hoped for. All members of the local P.T.A. are urged to be present.


A marriage of interest to friends was that of Miss Marie Clifford Stephenson to Lester A. Page, which was solemnized at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Charles J. Stephenson, Sunday morning at 8 o’clock. The bride and groom entered the living room, which was decorated for the occasion with potted ferns and a profusion of spring flowers, together and were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock by Dr. R. A. Moody, Presiding Elder of the Dothan District, the impressive ring ceremony being used. Only relatives and a few close friends witnessed the ceremony. The bride was attired in a handsome ensemble suite of rosewood trimmed in a darker shade of embossed embroidery with a becoming spring hat of straw combined with taffeta. Mr. Page came to Dothan from Samson, to make his home here more than a year ago. He is a brother of Dr. Grady Page. Mr. and Mrs. Page are at home of their friends at 206 south Oak Street -- Dothan Eagle.

County Court Cases

Tom Kiegan, assault to commit rape. Waives preliminary trial. Bound over to Circuit Court in $1,000.00.
Cleve Hatfield, arson 1st degree. Bound over to Circuit court in $1,000.00
Charlie Ward, abusive language. Not prossed.
W. M. Morris and Acre Holloway, violating agricultural laws of Alabama Continued. Three cases.
John Griffin, V P L. Continued.
Sherman Sconyers, A & B. Continued.
John Ward, abusive language. Pleads guilty and fined $5.00.
Lon Hodge, A & B. Guilty and fined $5.00.
Brady Eldridge, V P L. Continued.
Spurgeon B. Kelly, A & B. Discharged.
Frank Moore, V P L. Continued.
J. B. Bedsole, violating regulations state highway laws. Not prossed.
Charlie Ward, abusive language. Guilty and fined $5.00.
W. J. Earley, violating narcotic law. Not prossed.
Wallace Hodge, V P L. Continued.
Walter Howard, V P L. Continued.
Preston Dunn, V P L. Pleads guilty and fined $50.00.
Wiley J. Chancellor, V P L Pleads guilty and fined $50.00.
Artemus Chancellor, V P L Pleads guilty and fined $50.00.
Henry Young, false pretense, Not prossed.
W. F. Wise, V P L. Continued.
George Howard, A & B with weapon. Not prossed.
P. H. Hatcher, V R L. Not prossed.

Methodist Missionary Society

The Methodist Missionary Society gathered at Mrs. W. O. Mulkey’s for a social meeting in the nature of a silver tea on Tuesday afternoon. Nineteen members were delightfully entertained for an hour with program and rhymes which accompanied the piece of silver brought by each guest. The young matrons scored in producing eleven rhymes which told how they had made their contribution, two of them contributing the following:
“ Shoes that are good or Shoes that are old. With a fifty cent shine ought to look like gold. My husband says o I’ve been told, in Another such price, I must shine the sole.”

I darned the toe and I darned the heel to Send my money to the foreign field.”

Delicious refreshments consisting of a salad course and punch and cake were served.


Well, we are having more bad weather and all the farmers are anxious to go to plowing.
Mrs. Edger Davis, of Geneva, is spending some time with her father, H. H. Moring.
Miss Jessie Lee Moring spent Sunday with Misses Flora and Ruby Grace Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Stina Weeks and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Free and children spent Sunday evening with her family.


The health seems to be a little better in our burg. We sure are having some real pretty weather, which most of us are glad to see.
Miss Jessie Price is at present visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Boswell.
R. E. Norris made a business trip to Esto, Fla., Wednesday morning.
Mrs. C. E. Norris and little son, Haywood, visited Mrs. J. C. Boswell Thursday evening.
Rufus Tate has been real sick but is some better now.
There were a lot of children absent from school the past week on account of sickness, but hope they will be able to begin soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dismukes have moved in our burg. We are glad to have them with us.
Mrs. Cora Norris visited Mrs. Alice Vanlandingham Tuesday morning.
T. E. Boswell made a shopping trip to Slocomb Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Norris made a pop call on Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Norris Saturday night.
Plunk Boswell visited his mother, Mrs. J. C. Boswell, Sunday.
Arad and Daniel Norris visited their brother, C. E. Norris, Sunday.
Mrs. Wyatt Cox, from Geneva, visited her mother, Mrs. R. B. Wingate, Tuesday night.
Pansie Mae and James Norris visited their cousin, Haywood Norris, Friday night.
Miss Vila Vanlandingham visited Miss Sallie Boswell Saturday evening.
Julius Wingate made a pop call on C. E. Norris Saturday evening.
Among those who visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Norris Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Porter Hutto and children and Hattie and Bernice and Everdell Wood.
Mrs. Arthur White and Mrs. Joe Blount visited Mrs. J. C. Boswell Friday.
Well, as news is scarce, I will go and leave room for a better writer.


As I have been absent for some time, I will come again with the dots of our burg. We are having some more rain this week. We all hope not to have another flood. Farmers are making very little progress with the beginning of a new crop on account of so much rain. We are glad to state the new road which washed out through Choctawhatchie swamp, also the bridges are about repaired. Prof. J. A. Broxson, of Troy, met the Normal Extension Class at Hartford Saturday.


In the providence of our all-wise God, our co-worker, Mrs. Alice Latimer Johnson, wife of J. J. Johnson, Sr., was called to her eternal rest on January 26, 1925. We, the members of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church of Geneva, Ala., desire to pay this tribute of appreciation to her memory.

Resolved l. That in the death of Mrs. Johnson this Auxiliary has lost a member who was faithful to every trust, having ably filled various offices in the Auxiliary during the years of her membership, which began with her young lady hood and only ended when ill health disqualified her for work of any kind.
2. That the heartfelt sympathy of this Auxiliary be extended to her loved ones, who will so sorely miss her presence in the home, and our prayers commend them to Him in whom she believed.
3. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family, a copy published in our local paper and one also spread in the minutes of the Auxiliary.

Mrs. Miles
Mrs. J. P. Carter
Mrs. W. K. Kenan, committee.

Tracking Your Roots