attached to army commanded by Major General George Washington. I remained there until the surrender of Lord Cornwallis commander of the British army. From there we marched under Colonel Vance guarding British prisoners on the way to Maryland.That tour last- ed three months.I was discharged November, 1781. I resided for some time in Nelson County and the last twenty years in Bedford. Samuel Franklin GILLS,JOHN March 20,1834 69 years of age. In February, 1781 I was drafted into service from the county of Amelia where I lived. We rendezvoued at Rollins Church in said county and marched from there to Charlotte and Haleten counties crossing the Dan River at Gwine Ferry and thru parts of North Carolina. We joined General Green's army not far from Guilford Courthouse and was in the Battle of Guilford that took place March 18, 1781. An orderly carried off the ground Capt. Moore who I believe died afterwards. The American army was defeated and we were marched to Noubles Iron Works. After marching in various places we finally marched to Ramsey's Millon Deep River. I was discharged April 1781. Capt. Hudson died during this tour and we were placed under Capt. Dupey. I served three months. I recollect Capt. Oglesby militia company marched from Amelia County and I was with the army again in May,1781 when I was drafted. Again we rendezvoued at Amelia Court house and marched to Cumberland and crossed the James River at Carter's Mill. On thru Goochland and Louisa and then we joined General La Fayette in Orange County.Then on to Culpepper county and crossed the river at a place called Racoon Ford hence to Hanover county and on near Williamsburg.We did not go thru Richmond due to Smallpox. I served three months and was discharged July, 1787. I was born in Louisa County March 6,1764.1 was in Amelia at each time I served. In 1790 I moved to Bedford County. John Gills GOFF, ABRAHAM August 28,1832 77 years of age. I served in the company of Capt. Alex Parker but I first enlisted under Capt. Mayo Carrington in 10th Vir- ginia Regiment and served four years. I enlisted in 1778 and served until Wallace surrendered. Number of my pension certificate is 1716. I am unable to pursue my labor as a farmer due to age and infirmity. I have four children living with me. The oldest a daughter Matilda, fourteen years, Elizabeth 11