and Peedee Rivers. Company was engaged in battle near Camden in which Gates was defeated.After a short time I returned home to get clothes as I had lost mine.then rejoined the army at aplace called Haynes Creek.They were still there when my three months was up and I was discharged. In fall of 1780 I marched from Bedford as a volunteer under Capt.Jeremiah Early to Petersburg.I was in no battles this time.I served six weeks. After returning home in 1781 I again entered service as a substitute in a militia company for Jesse Abston.I marched under command of Capt. John Otey and George Dooley. It was a rifle company. We marched to Dismal Swamp in Virginia. I remember being on guard when part of the compANY TO WHICH I belonged captured a boat belonging to the British on Elizabeth River.We frequently marched to near Portsmouth and back again for purpose of look-out. I was discharged after three months. In the late spring I was again in service as substitute for George Hughes.I remember Joel Leftwich I was in seige of 96 where I joined the main army under General Green. At this place I became quite deaf in one earwhich afterwards became very sore and part of the bone of my head came out just behind the ear and the scar is now plainly seen. After this when we left the place I became so ill my father went to North Carolina fo me and brought me home to Bedford and I was discharged. I was born in Orange County and came to Bedford as a small child. I am near 70 years of age. William Davenport Witnesses: Gen. Leftwich & John Hudnall FRANKLIN, SAMUEL August 30,1832. 70 years of age I entered service first as a substitute for Cornelius Sale.I was residing in Amherst County at that time. From there we marched under Capt. John Jacobs to the Barracks in Albemarle County. There we were attached to the Armed Forces commanded by Colonel Taylor.I was there one month engaged in guarding the prisoners of General Burgoyns army taken at Sarrotoga. I was engaged in no battles and was discharged by Capt. Jacobs. Two years later While still residing in Amherst County I was drafted out of company commanded by Capt. Samuel Hickinbotham and marched thru Albemarle,Fluvannia and Goochland Counties to the city of Richmand in Henrico County.I stayed there three months. I was engaged in no battles and was again discharged in December, 1780. I was again drafted back thru Albemarle, Goochland and Fluvannia and finally to Little York where we were 10